Saturday, May 11, 2013

Learn spanish - Polite and Practical Phrases For Beginners

Click Here for vowels and consonants

You have decided to visit Mexico. You know that you want to learn some practical Spanish before you go, and you know that you want to be polite when you arrive. You also don't speak a word of Spanish, and you need some help. Here is a little guide for beginning to learn spanish.

When you arrive in Mexico, you will find that many, many people speak English well. So, it will be best to learn some Spanish as a way to communicate politely. Usually, pronunciation means the difference between polite and embarrassing in public.

Let's begin by focusing on Spanish vowels and consonants. In Spanish, the vowels A, E, I, O, and U, are used. This is comforting because they are the same vowels used in English, but with different pronunciation. In Spanish, A sounds like "ah". E sounds like our long a, as in "may". I sounds like our long e, as in "sleep". O sounds like "oh". And U sounds like "do".

In Spanish, the consonants vary more. H is silent. J uses the "H" sound. N sounds like "enyeah". RR is a rolled "r" sound. B is like "v". V is like "b". And G sounds like an "h" sound unless it is in front of a "u", and then it blends together the sounds like "gw".

Practical Phrases
Hello = Hola
Goodbye = Adios
Yes = Si
No = No
I don't understand. = No entiendo.

Polite Phrases
Please = Por favor
Nice to meet you = Mucho gusto
Thank you = Gracias
No thank you = No gracias
Thank you very much = Muchas gracias

These ten practical and polite phrases are a very, very basic beginning list to help you when you first arrive in Mexico. If you practice them, and have them memorized before you go, with pronunciation added to the best of your ability, you will find that you will be welcomed for your thoughtfulness. Any attempt to learn and use beginning Spanish will be almost universally appreciated. You may discover that people will stop and correct you, but don't let that deter you from trying. They are just being friendly, and trying to help you learn. You can all laugh together as you struggle with correct pronunciation. But, that is really the best way to learn.

Ultimately, you will find that most people will help you to learn new vocabulary words, particularly if you are shopping or sight seeing. Do your best to listen carefully to their speaking and imitate their pronunciation as best you can. In this way, you will find that your vocabulary will increase dramatically as you spend your vacation time in Mexico.

And you will return home with better Spanish pronunciation, a larger vocabulary, and a bigger collection of practical and polite phrases learned on your holiday.

See how you can Learn spanish effectively and quickly, or at your very own pace! You can learn to Speak Spanish Confidently [] and Naturally in Less than 8 Weeks!

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