Monday, May 13, 2013

Learning the Spanish Language For Beginners

Studying Spanish has more benefits than you would think. Spanish is one of the most popular languages in the world today. It is actually the third most commonly spoken language. In this article you will find lessons on the Spanish language for beginners. By learning Spanish, you will be able to learn more about the different cultures that speak the language. Also, it will make travelling to Spanish speaking countries a whole lot easier. You will be able to do more things easily without having the hassle of miscommunication. Spanish language for beginners will help you learn the basics that you need to master Spanish.

Let us start our Spanish language for beginners lessons with learning the Spanish alphabet and how to pronounce each letter:

A -- a
B -- be
C -- ce
CH-- che
D -- de
E -- e
F -- efe
G -- ge
H -- hache
I -- i
J -- jota
K -- ka
L -- ele
LL -- elle
M -- eme
N -- ene
Ñ -- eñe
O -- o
P -- pe
Q -- cu
R -- ere
S -- ese
T -- te
U -- u
V -- ve
W -- uve doble
X -- equis
Y -- i griega
Z -- zeta

Next in Spanish language for beginners, we will learn about the most common greetings and phrases used in Spanish. Note that there are some phrases that vary depending on where it is spoken or to whom.

o Hola - hello or hi
o Adios - goodbye
o Como estas/Como esta - How are you? The first is informal, which can be used for someone that you are already very familiar with, while the latter is formal.
o Muy bien, gracias - Very good, thanks.
o Buenos dias - Good morning
o Buenas tardes - Good afternoon
o Buenas noches - Good night
o Como te llamas? - What's your name?
o Me llamo... -- My name is...
o Bienvenido/a/os/as - Welcome! The difference in suffixes refers to the person being referred to. O is for man, a is for woman, os is for a group of males or mixed, as is for a group of women
o Por favor - Please
o Hasta la vista! - See you soon!
o Hasta mañana - See you tonight
o Felicidades - Congratulations
o Gracias/Muchas gracias - Thanks/Thank you very much
o You're welcome - De nada

With these lessons on Spanish language for beginners, you will be ready to tackle more conversational phrases and intermediate lessons which will bring you closer to mastering the Spanish language.

Now that you got a taste for the Spanish language, you may have decided if its something you want to learn or not. Learning Spanish will allow you to talk to over 300million people all around the world. Start Learning the Spanish language for beginners

Click Here To Learn More Information If you would like to learn Spanish quickly, please follow the link.

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